Unlock Your Potential with the Free Goal-Setting Webinar!

scissors and two paper clips beside opened spiral notebook
a woman with pink hair wearing a crown

Unlock Your Potential with the Free Goal-Setting Webinar!

Join the exclusive webinar and start achieving your dreams today.

    We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared

    What You'll Learn

    • How to set achievable goals
    • Develop a step-by-step action plan
    • Stay motivated and track progress

    Meet Your Host

    Sara is the Sparkling Budgeteer behind Money, W(h)ine & Cheese.

    She's the go-to coach if you want to be more, feel more, live more wealthy but are struggling to get there!

    A Certified Life and Insight Coach, she is passionate about Money, Mindset and Miracles and her purpose in life is to empower women to become more confident with their money and create their version of a Wealthy Life.

    Grab Your Spot!

    Get the Roadmap to achieve ALL your Goals.

    woman spreading her arms

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long is the webinar?

    • The Webinar lasts about 30 minutes

    Is it really free?

    • Yes it is, there is no cost to attend.

    What times are available?

    • Because it's a Webinar you get to watch it on your own schedule.

    Do I need any special materials?

    • No, all you need is pen and paper, but you also get a workbook that you can download and print or use in GoodNotes or AdobeReader for free.